The classic Craftsman styling of this new passively-designed house proves that looks can be deceiving
Located in one of Palo Alto’s historic neighborhoods, this new Craftsman style home fits seamlessly into its surroundings. But behind its classic shingle-clad façade is a passive house that boasts today’s best green technology. The all-electric house uses radiant wall and ceiling panels for heating and cooling, motion sensors regulate lights and water heating, and an extensive rooftop PV array allows the home to run completely off-grid. Captured rainwater is pumped into a 10,000 gallon tank for reuse, while greywater from the home irrigates the landscape. In the rear yard, clothes hang to dry outside in the breeze amid chickens and abundant vegetable gardens, rounding out good environmental practices. The family-centered clients are avid readers and their book collection is displayed in a dining room library wall, complete with sliding ladder. Other playful features of the home include an arts and crafts room, a movie theater, and a floor-to-ceiling chalkboard in the kitchen.
AREA: 5,900 SQ-FT